i know i promised to dedicate you to environmental topics and sceneries...
but i am not going out lately and taking nature trips because of projects and stuffs..
and i came to hate this person..
this person who is the reason for my sufferrings..
i don't wanna name names since i don't a friendship spoilt but i can't help it..
i hate it ..
i mean, we are working our butts off trying to finish a certain project in a certain subject while IT was doing another project on another subject..
how cruel could IT be..
and in fact we need to do that project too. and we agreed to do this project now so that we can do the others..
so how dare it do another project right in our eyes and acting superior at that as if it is our fault that the project is not done yet..
and asking us in patronizing tone why we are not doing this part or that part of the project yet..
IT dared and i wanna shout to IT's face that IT is IT's fault why...
how dare It.. not working at all.. saving herself..
how dare IT...
It did researched, but we researched too..
and when the research was lacking coz we were told that this part is already researched and we didn't research another because we were relying on that research..
we are partially blame...
It dared and I don't wanna be a part of IT's group again..
i want to scream..
that the guilty conscience may be touched...